a great black box

"A Great Black Box," June 22, 2022 (#173)

title from "The New Poem-Making Machinery" by Simon Rich (June 21, 2022)

The Dutch House by Ann Patchett (2019)

The Candy House by Jennifer Egan (2022)

A Great Black Box

They waved like a couple of synchronized swimmers, and

that instant, a skein of brilliant color snapped into view

hoping to bring us back to the land of the reasonable

messy tragedy of his life, the loose ends and failed

teammates and not the boys on the stoop, but I was

involved filling entire walls with algebra. Yet here

before the infection that started in your hand gets

necessary ingredients of a successful projection,

I was petrified. I kept thinking I could hear people

going to kick the bucket one day, make no mistake,

the glucose was doing its job. I watched the life come,

welcomed by a newly septuagenarian movie star

while I sat in the corner with the newspaper.


6-22-22 of art by Thomas Kincaid


Gloves by Meret Oppenheim (1985)


