backlit by flames

"Backlit By Flames," May 29, 2022 (#149)

title from "Stephen King's Carrie: Victim No More?" by Sarah E. Turner (2021)

Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger (1961)

Mary and O'Neil by Justin Cronin (2001)

last line from "The Top Gun Volleyball Scene Is Not Homoerotic. It Is Homosexual." by Dave Holmes (May 27, 2022)

Backlit By Flames

Without trying to suppress any of the noisier manifestations of

the unmarked dirt road that led to the property, which was

one of those days when I see everybody in the family, including

living in a neighborhood where strangers would smoke in your

terribly religious little book--fanatical and all like that--

they agreed that they would wait a week to see how they felt.

Everything that runs into physical violence is a legitimate climax

that can be helpful for couples with this problem,

a leisurely and proprietary examination of the interior,

hacking their way through like explorers in a jungle,

an unfolded white handkerchief draped over

only a mild surprise at the swift passage of

a great movie. It’s impossible to know how.




