obscured by euphemism

"Obscured by Euphemism," November 11, 2022 (#315)

title from "Should Ovid’s Metamorphoses Have a Trigger Warning?" by Daniel Mendelsohn (November 7, 2022)

Dog Soldiers by Robert Stone (1974)

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré (1974)

Obscured by Euphemism

The fleet street led to a larger artery, which in turn led to a square

lot of breath when it came to the interrogation. Most likely they’d

illuminated the canyon to half its depth. In its light, they slid down the

walnut desk with its row of ivory telephones. On the wall, kneeling

in grease, he had the complete parts of an M-16 semiautomatic rifle

like someone suddenly shocked by the faultiness of his own memory,

a lot of time thinking up new wrinkles. I can see to it they get you

waiting for the convoy to get moving. They’d gone half a mile when

people looked up scowling from their Bibles. The men stood together

in a long sweep of bracken and fields. Below them lay another village

slung on a hook over the console wires—Hicks shoved the package,

found none. It was a courtyard house and most of the sensitive stuff.





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