defiant isolationism

"Defiant Isolationism," October 12, 2022 (#285)

title from "Teenagers Are Telling Us That Something Is Wrong With America" by Jamieson Webster (October 11, 2022)

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (1985)

Endless Forms: The Secret World of Wasps by Seirian Sumner (2022)

last line from The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams (1980)

Defiant Isolationism

I'm sorry if you're lonely and afraid. But the buggers are out there

that we notice when they cross our paths. It’s an awful shame that

you've frozen two enemy soldiers in the same battle. This order is out

poised to launch a front-line defence should a plucky predator attempt

world domination seriously, as a danger to existing governments. But they

are no more likely to transmit their genes to the next generation than

the newer ones are having trouble because they never really mastered some

form of learning, in which ambiguous links between two or more stimuli are

far away and flat; the ground, lacking the upward curve of Battle School floors

on these forest floors, which may explain why there has been strong selection,

will be delighted to welcome your visits, sympathy, and happy tales of the outside world.





