navigating the nowscape

"Navigating the Nowscape," June 23, 2022 (#174)

title from "Survival of the Sweetest: Little Miss Bosox and the Saving Grace of Baseball in The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" by Abigail L. Bowers and Lowell Mick White (2014)

Bad Stories: What the Hell Just Happened to Our Country by Steve Almond (2018)

Bad Haircut: Stories from the Seventies by Tom Perrotta (1994)

Bad Feminist: Essays by Roxanne Gay (2014)

Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou (2018)

last line from "Bad Girls" by M.I.A (2013)

Navigating the Nowscape

What was this woman really saying in the end?

After she left for work, I wolfed down a bowl of

behaviors so uncharacteristic that the simplest explanation

may have said something that got under the other man’s skin

and we mistake this as a signal for it being true. The

unwritten rule was that you had to stand up, but were

the kind of person who becomes so invested in a book or movie

intended to deploy its blood-testing machines far and wide

that he’s just a comedian. The question is why, in the

couple of celebrity creeps, including one guy in an army,

all the annoying banter you might expect from a couple falling in love

wasn’t how you were supposed to handle repeat quality-control failures,

the predictable and utterly cynical repackaging of

leavin' boys behind 'cause it's legal just to kill.










From here.