eyes in the device

"Eyes in the Device," May 22, 2022 (#142)

title from Hollywood's Stephen King by Tony Magistrale (2003)

When I Spoke in Tongues: A Story of Faith and Its Loss by Jessica Wilbanks (2018)

I'm Not Saying, I'm Just Saying by Matthew Salesses (2012)

penultimate line from Among Other Things, I've Taken Up Smoking by Aoibheann Sweeney (2007)

last line from Why Did I Ever by Mary Robison (2002)

Eyes in the Device

Maybe on earth, and maybe in heaven

I was waiting to compare this object of

a dead white patch of fluorescent light over

a responsibility. When she let me inside and

for the first time in years it felt like I was home

we got a babysitter for the boy. It was the first

rightful place on the throne and the faithful would

escape my life. I said I'd seen Brad Pitt go crazy but

as we entered the gates I began to see why people talked

to talk about the boy's latest terrorizing, especially with the

awareness that there is an abyss running between the living and

the stink got in the house before we could go out for tomato juice

and it was clear that, aside from the grime, the coils needed to be replaced.

There's something wrong with this day, and with every day that I've spent here.


5-20-21 David Hockneys at MFAH




