relentless blankness comes to

"Relentless Blankness Comes To," September 28, 2022 (#271)

title from "How Fans Created the Voice of the Internet" by Katy Waldman (June 28, 2022)

Slow Learner by Thomas Pynchon (1984)

The Topeka School by Ben Lerner (2019)

Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover (2018)

Relentless Blankness Comes To

Being the kind of installation it was, this circumstance might have

trapped inside a painting addressed to the future, where it could only be,

questions to herself. After a few she turned to the woman and said

now it was getting a slight beer belly and its hair was beginning to fall

around us, a contrast made worse by the fact that I was now the chief

triangle. The event makes sense when I think of it in these terms

to listen to while you blow a horizontal line. What one does in such

outrage, then taking tactical umbrage, claiming the high ground,

stood in the frigid hallway, staring up at the screen that would display

the opening scene. They marched down a narrow path, two police

to get one since we’re sisters. Like I said, they aren’t only for

impersonating someone else. And it’s as if you think your life depends on it.



from here
