your mom will say:

"Your Mom Will Say:," March 22, 2022 (#81)

title from Self-Help by Lorrie Moore (1985)

Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters and How to Harness It by Ethan Kross (2021)

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain (2012)

Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do by Jennifer Eberhardt, PhD (2019)

Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor (2020)

Stretch: Unlock the Power of Less, and Achieve More by Scott Sonensheim (2017)

one line from PVA student story (2022)

Your Mom Will Say:

The conversations we have with ourselves influence our

manuals, in honor of all that he had done for them.

We assembled groups of people who had no idea what

is beside me in the passenger seat, smiling broadly, reliving

a scholarly shake-up that came to be called Positive

Universal nature of her hardship. It’s as if she were saying

there was a time when the world wasn’t like this,

this coolness barometer, with extremely low levels of arousal

viewed as an ugly invading force, and northern cities had to

blow a fuse in their minds so they could return to a state of groovy

plans for how the organization executes its performance.

Imposing order on our surroundings likewise can be comforting

when you attend your extroverted best friend’s wedding shower

intended to mobilize a new generation of haters to return to

a flowing white robe, a mala bead necklace, and sandals, and

provided them with several resource-constrained challenges.

The strategies that you are likely to find easiest to implement

mistake assertiveness or eloquence for good ideas. If you have,

the tactics appeared to work well.

3-22-22 HSPVA

3-22-22 Discovery Green


From here. Ray’s “Reclining Woman” (2018) is among the sculptor’s works on display at the Met, where each piece is a provocation.Photographs by Caroline Tompkins for The New Yorker; Art works © Charles Ray

3-14-22 Rodin sculpture garden at MFAH

3-22-22 self-portrait from Yasumasa Morimura, "Doublannage" (Dancer I)

3-22-22 Annie Leibovitz, "Keith Haring, New York City"